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Briar Clubs and Organizations

Let's Go Clubbing At Briar
Briar Middle School has several opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom and participate in student-led clubs. All Briar students are welcome to attend and participate.
Here is our current list of clubs:
  • Monday: Lego Robotics Club (Room 136) 
  • Monday: History Club (Library)
  • Monday: YOGA (Multipurpose Room)
  • Tuesday: Anime Club (Room 119) 
  • Tuesday: Potato Fish Club (Library)
  • Wednesday: Math Counts (Room 113)
  • Wednesday: Diversity Club (Room 119)
  • Wednesday: Book Club (Library)
  • Thursday: Chess Club (Room 119
  • Thursday: BUG Club (Library)
After-school clubs meet from 3-3:45 p.m., with administrators supervising the group activities. All after-school clubs are student-led, and new ideas and experiences are always welcome.
If your child expresses interest in staying after school for club meetings, please be prompt in picking them up at 3:45 p.m. at the main entrance in front of the building.